Tik Tok Login Failed Please Try Again

With all the mayhem going on at Twitter these days, y'all would think the unamerican censoring social media platform would try to lie depression with information technology. But not the woke supremacy leadership at Twitter. They attacked the Libs of Tik Tok account again by suspending the business relationship non also long subsequently a previous interruption was recently lifted.

And what are the heinous crimes committed past Libs of Tik Tok? They repost things that liberals say on the other platform. That's it. For tweeting out liberal posts from Tik Tok to Twitter, the account is getting suspended.

"Shortly after my Twitter business relationship was restored, I received detect of another suspension, this time for 'targeted harassment.' I've submitted an appeal, but I'm locked out while I wait for a response," the Libs of Tik Tok account holder said in a message, according to Not the Bee. "These dorsum-to-back suspensions are not a coincidence. The Left has been targeting and mass reporting my business relationship. Twitter, of course, keeps caving to the mob. Just I've done nothing wrong. And I'm not going to give up. I will never be bullied into silence."

Really, the account did practice something wrong. Information technology failed to join the woke supremacy of Twitter, a herd users full of hate. I would call them a mob, merely the term mob indicates there's some intelligence involved.

A Twitter notice asserts that Libs of Tik Tok violated the social media platform's "rules against abuse and harassment."

I'k sure you can observe liberals on Twitter who tweeted out similar things that Libs of Tik Tok found on Tik Tok and reposted to Twitter, and practice you call back annihilation at all would happen to them? This is why conservatives need to carelessness that platform. There are other platforms to cull from, just it's articulate that Twitter's rules are selectively being enforced against the free speech of conservatives.

As of this writing, the Libs of Tik Tok Twitter business relationship has near 632,000 followers. There are probably twice that who are tired of Twitter's censorship and that'due south why many support Elon Musk'south effort to buy the social media platform considering Musk has said that he wants to accept the company private and go far a free voice communication entity.

It'southward interesting to see revealed how many on the Left are fighting to continue Twitter as a free voice communication censor. Many in the misinformation Imitation News media are openly lament that Musk wants conservatives on Twitter to exist able to say anything they want and they go on about how dangerous to our democracy that would be. They really believe censorship is a key to protecting democracy. That's really all you need to know to understand why Libs of Tik Tok is being censored.

Musk, who recently purchased 9.ii% of Twitter stock, making him the largest shareholder in the company, made an offer to the lath of Twitter to buy the tech tyrant platform lock, stock, and barrel for $54.xx per share or $43 billion.

"I invested in Twitter equally I believe in its potential to exist the platform for free speech around the earth, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a performance commonwealth. However, since making my investment, I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current grade. Twitter needs to exist transformed as a private visitor. As a result, I am offering to buy 100% of Twitter for $54.20 per share in cash, a 54% premium over the twenty-four hour period earlier I began investing in Twitter and a 38% premium over the day earlier my investment was publicly announced." Musk aid in an SEC filing.

Twitter has a fiduciary obligation to its shareholders to have the offer or a better counter offer, so long as information technology doesn't harm investors. A counter offer was made by a Saudi prince, but in Musk's offer he said it is his concluding offer and if the board doesn't accept information technology he will have to rethink his position as a shareholder. That ways if Twitter accepts the Saudi offer, Musk volition sell off his shares and that would crusade Twitter to crash and burn, and the Saudi prince to lose money while Tesla stock rises because Musk would so move the proceeds of his Twitter shares to Tesla.

Twitter has said they are rejecting Musk's offer and instead, the company is employing a express duration shareholder rights plan. In other words, Twitter'due south woke executives have come up with a way to screw over one man, Elon Musk, and in the end, they may face lawsuits from shareholders over the scheme they came upwardly with to block a very generous offering by Musk.

Here'due south the part of the Musk story that should burn your bacon. The leftists, not but at Twitter merely everywhere, are so desperate to keep Twitter from Musk turning information technology into a complimentary speech platform that the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) are opening investigations into Elon Musk!

Folks, this is what the authorities of the old Soviet Wedlock did. If they did not like someone, they would investigate the person in search of a criminal offence. Our arrangement is to investigate a crime in search of the criminal. The Biden assistants must take forgotten that. I can't wait to hear how the White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki is going to lie to reporters nearly this one.

As of right now, Vanguard, a liberal investment business firm with woke executives, has bought up more than stock than Musk owns and it is expected it will make its own offer. The prediction is Twitter will accept Vanguard's offer, Musk volition pull his shares, and Vanguard will take a bath.

Charles Gasparino of Pull a fast one on Business concern Network said on the Dan Bongino syndicated radio show that it's non clear whether the SEC and DOJ are planning to investigate his ownership of Tesla or his attempt to have over Twitter, or maybe both.

The Biden government is going to make sure Musk dotted every I and crossed every T with the intention of harming him and all because he made a legal and legitimate offer to purchase Twitter. Our government is acting like a agglomeration of old communists. They are attacking an innocent man for his quest to provide gratis voice communication back into what has become the de facto town square.

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I desire you to retrieve about this. Your federal government is investigating individual denizen Elon Musk in an endeavour to keep him from ownership Twitter and allowing gratuitous voice communication on the platform. If that'due south not an indication that the Democrats are in some sort of quid pro quo arrangement with Big Tech to conscience opposing complimentary speech, and then I'one thousand Mary, Queen of Scots.


Source: https://djhjmedia.com/rich/libs-of-tik-tok-twitter-account-after-getting-suspended-again-vows-im-not-going-to-give-up-i-will-never-be-bullied-into-silence/

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