) Peer Support Among Persons With Severe Mental Illness a Review of Evidence and Experience


The purpose of this commodity is to delineate the electric current state-of-the-knowledge of peer support post-obit the framework employed in the 2004 article (Solomon, Psychiatr Rehabil J. 2004;27(4):392–401 one). A scoping literature was conducted and included manufactures from 1980 to present. Since 2004, major growth and advancements in peer back up have occurred from the development of new specializations to training, certification, reimbursement mechanisms, competency standards and fidelity assessment. Peer support is now a service offered beyond the world and considered an indispensable mental health service. As the field continues to evolve and develop, peer back up is emerging equally a standard of do throughout various, diverse settings and shows potential to impact clinical outcomes for service users throughout the globe. While these efforts have enhanced the professionalism of the peer workforce, hopefully this has enhanced the positive elements of these services and not diluted them.


Peer support/peer-supported services can be found across the world [2–5]. Peer back up/peer-supported services include inpatient, outpatient, digital, and customs-based services for people with mental wellness conditions and/or substance use challenges past individuals who identify equally experiencing similar lived experiences [1, 6]. More than than thirty,000 peer support specialists (also chosen: peer providers, peers, peer specialists, peer supporters, peer mentors, peer navigators, certified peer support specialists) in the Usa offer Medicaid reimbursable services in 43 states [7–9]. The spread of peer support and its' growth in bear witness related to the effectiveness for service users [ii–4], have led to major advancements. Every bit such, an update to the seminal commodity on peer back up by Solomon [1], which was published over 17 years ago, is warranted.

The intent of this commodity is to delineate the current state-of-the-knowledge of peer back up following the framework employed in the 2004 article [1]. Initially, we will define peer support and the various types of peer services and innovations in the current context, followed by advancements in underlying psychosocial processes. Next, the authors present the benefits of peer back up services, and lastly, how critical ingredients are assessed today.

Updated Definition of Peer Support

Originally, peer back up was defined as social and/or emotional back up that combines expertise from lived experience that is mutually offered and provided by persons with a mental health condition to others sharing similar weather condition to bring about their self-determined personal change [1]. Given the broadness of this definition for the most part it still holds. However, in that location are some nuances that crave updating and enhanced recognition.

Start, at the time of the original publication, peer support was largely informal such every bit cocky-assistance groups or somewhat semi-structured with a few agencies hiring peers to offer help to other peers, and predominately focused on being mutually supportive. However, today it is more virtually supportive service provision based on experiential knowledge delivered to service users by those sharing a mental health challenge. Thus, rather than existence mutually offered, where the intent was to do good both parties to some extent, currently the purpose of peer support services emphasizes assisting those served, with benefit to the deliverer being a secondary gain, as noted by peers workers themselves [10]. Therefore, the definition needs to be modified from mutually offered and provided to beingness delivered by mutual agreement.

2d, information technology is frequently about delivering a service that can be paid for through program dollars or reimbursed by governmental insurance, although in some organizations, it also offered on a voluntary basis. Consequently, the service is more than structured today, rather than primarily providing breezy support, and may involve the delivery of evidence-based interventions, such every bit cocky-management programs including Wellness Recovery Activeness Planning [11], adult by a peer, and Affliction Management and Recovery [12], which was developed by professionals and is delivered by both peers and not-peers [xiii]. Other programs provided take been developed past peers such as emotional CPR [14] or co-produced past peers and non-peer scientists such every bit PeerTECH [15, xvi]. These interventions offer important and practical information and skill pedagogy while all the same providing help in accessing needed resources and enhancing companionship by sharing experiences and knowledge.

Third, "mental health condition" in the original definition was considered to be a severe psychiatric disorder [i]. Notwithstanding, today "mental wellness challenges" maybe a more than appropriate term, every bit these challenges are far more than inclusive of mental health issues such as trauma, extreme stress, feelings of loneliness, as well as the total spectrum of mental health diagnoses.

Fourth, while peer support services remain focused on enhancing and maintaining wellness and recovery of mental health condition, there is recognition of numerous comorbidities of people with mental wellness challenges, including substance use disorders and chronic medical weather condition [17] as well as involvement in multiple human service and governmental systems, such as criminal justice and child welfare. Thus, the concept of lived feel expertise goes beyond just mental health per se to include living with chronic medical conditions and having experienced forensic and child welfare interest and being a parent with a mental affliction [18]. This has led to specialized chronic disease self-management programs delivered past peers, such equally Health and Recovery Peer program (HARP) [19, 20] and peer navigators to raise health and health intendance utilization [21], wellness coaches [22, 23], and employment of forensic peer specialists. In parts of the world that are impoverished and have experienced countrywide trauma such as in Rwanda Africa, peers in not-profits for example, Opromamer offering entrepreneurial peer support services to raise economical empowerment of service users of the mental health system.

Lastly, peer support services frequently back up individuals in the community as adjunctive to traditional mental health care encounters with licensed clinical professionals, comprised of social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists [ii, 3]. Peer back up continues to be offered as an independent service by organizations unaffiliated with the traditional mental wellness system besides. Generally, peer support services are ordinarily delivered in-person, in-group sessions or through "digital peer support," a relatively new category of service delivery that has become particularly prominent globally during the COVID-nineteen pandemic [3, 24]. Digital peer support or digital peer support specialist is divers as live or automated services delivered through technology media by peers [iii]. These technology media include peer-to-peer networks on social media or online groups such as Peer Back up Solutions and ForLikeMinds, and peer-delivered interventions supported with smartphone apps, video games, and virtual reality.

While there has been much growth and enhancements, the core of the service remains unchanged. Notwithstanding, there is a demand for slight modifications to the definition to reflect these important advancements. Thus, the updated definition of peer support is social and/or emotional back up that combines expertise from lived feel that is delivered with common agreement past persons who cocky-place as having or had mental health too as other social, psychological and medical challenges to service users sharing similar challenges to bring virtually self-determined personal change to the service user. Self-identification is important today given designated positions and reimbursement requirements. The definition is not confined to any detail mode of service delivery, simply leaves the modality unspecified. This definition is consistent with the definition of the role of peer support worker divers by Mead et al. [6] that is used globally as "offering and receiving help, based on shared understanding, respect and common empowerment betwixt people in similar situations".

Defining and Delineating Categories of Peer Support

In the original manuscript, the categories of peer support were delineated into six categories: self-help groups, cyberspace support groups, peer delivered services, peer run or operated services, peer partnerships, and peer employees. Although these categories remain relevant today, it is apparent that in that location is overlap amid some categories (e.k., peer delivered and peer employees) and mixes way of delivery with support types (due east.g., internet self-help versus cocky- help); therefore, this categorization requires refinement. Swarbrick and Schmidt [25] offered a taxonomy that maintains the integrity of this classification with enhanced mutuality of categories: peer-delivered self-assist, peer-run services, peer partnerships, and peers in recovery as employees. For purposes of this article, these categories will be utilized. However, some of these categories take been profoundly expanded in terms of settings, noun content and mode of commitment, particularly in the use of technology, compared to an earlier time. All of which will be elaborated upon beneath.

Before we delineate and define each of the categories, it is important to note that in this period of consumerism and distrust of professionals, there has been increasing recognition internationally of the value of employing people who share common characteristics such as residence in similar or aforementioned neighborhood or community (e.k., community health workers). Every bit with the initial article, the focus will be maintained on mental health and and so far every bit other domains, they will merely be discussed when serving people with dual challenges of, for example, substance use and/or chronic health conditions and mental wellness challenges or with the need to make distinctions from services with the primary focus of the commodity. Each category volition be defined and a discussion will follow on how these have inverse in the past 17 years since publication of the original article [i].

Peer Delivered Self-assist

Peer delivered self-help is informally offered on a voluntary basis to some other peer to mutually assist each other to satisfy a common need/goal to bring well-nigh personal change. Peer self-help is more normally delivered in a grouping format, such groups are defined as "voluntary modest group structures for mutual aid in the accomplishment of a specific purpose…usually formed by peers who have come together for mutual assistance in satisfying a common need, overcoming a common handicap or life-disrupting trouble, and bringing near desired social and/or personal modify" [26]. This is the fastest growing category of peer support services in depression and middle-income countries. Peer self-help groups for mental wellness challenges gained increasing prominence in the era of deinstitutionalization, equally people were frequently discharged into communities with limited customs-based mental health services and many had negative experiences with professional mental health services, specially state psychiatric hospitals. Thus, these support services were more than acceptable, feasible, and accessible to people with mental health challenges. Self-help groups encompass just nearly every mental health-related claiming/condition and co-morbid physical health or social health challenge (eastward.g., loneliness). The most noted ones relevant to the electric current topic that offer global self-assistance services, some exist for many years, are Recovery International, Schizophrenics Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous, Depression and Bipolar Back up Alliance, and the Hearing Voices Network. Recently, cocky-aid groups have arisen to meet the growing demand for additional services, including those that focus on mental health and physical health challenges and aging with a serious mental illness such every bit the COAPS Facebook group.

Self-help groups are besides expanding on digital platforms such equally formal websites (e.g., peersupportsolutions.com and ForLikeMinds), social media (east.g., Facebook) [27], Twitter [28], listservs (e.m., Reddit) [29], and Youtube [30]. These cocky-help groups are not restricted to location, size, or time. By and large, these groups are informal and facilitated by untrained, often voluntary, peers [three], but may be facilitated or co-facilitated past a professional (hybrid cocky-assist groups) [31]. While the use of engineering for back up groups has been around for about 20 years, they are now much more pervasive and sophisticated than previously. At the time of the original article, the technology that was used was more listservs, bulletin boards or email, and very limited, if at all, plus synchronous advice was merely possible through a telephone. Currently, synchronous communication is readily available via platforms like Zoom, What'due south App, or Facetime. Thus, with advanced technology, the face-to-face element may exist facilitated within the digital surround, which was not the case previously.

Peer Run Services

Peer-run services are those that are planned, administered and led by peers [i]. These service programs may be legally independent entities, simply often these service programs are embedded within a larger non-peer organization. These differ with regard to size and the nature of the services provided and the number of paid and voluntary staff. Nevertheless, all value freedom of choice and maintaining operational control by peers [1], every bit these service programs emerged as an alternative to traditional mental health services by consumers who were part of the antipsychiatry motion [32]. Thus, they wanted to maintain independence from the traditional mental health system. Examples of peer run services include (1) peer respite (i.e., a voluntary, brusk-term, overnight plan that provides community-based, non-clinical crisis support to help people outside of a clinical surround) [33], (two)warmlines (i.eastward., 24/7 non-emergency telephone line that provides accessible emotional back up offered voluntarily past peers in recovery to help other peers to assist in preventing a psychiatric crisis from occurring) [34], and (3 drib-in centers such every bit BRIDGES (i.eastward., psychosocial educational programs that support self-management of mental health atmospheric condition [35].

Peer-run organizations have expanded to include social entrepreneurial organizations. For example, Dr. Patricia Deegan, an internationally-known disability rights advocate and an individual with lived feel of a mental health challenge developed Commonground as a gear up of tools to restructure how individuals with psychiatric disabilities and medication prescribers work together in treatment planning. Individuals with lived feel of a mental health claiming thus created this web-based program [36]. The company now offers training and materials/guides/tools for using Personal Medicine in recovery.

Peer Partnership

Peer partnership has remained unchanged. These are organizations where fiduciary responsibility lies with not-peers and administrative and operational responsibilities is mutually shared past both peers and not-peers, merely primary control is with peers. These entities are not unlike hybrid cocky-assistance groups where professional non-peers take a primary part in developing and/or facilitating the groups [1].

Peers in Recovery equally Employees

Peers in recovery as employees are individuals who are hired into designated peer positions or traditional mental wellness positions who must publicly self-identify as a peer and have been or are a service user themselves for their ain mental wellness claiming [i]. This is the fastest growing category of peer support services in the United States, as it is viewed as a means to operationalize recovery-oriented services, which is mandated federally and past most states, and an incentive to this service provision is that they tin be reimbursed past federal public health insurance. Offset in 2001 with the state of Georgia, United States public health insurance, Medicaid, reimburses for peer delivered services meeting certification standards [37, 38]. Twenty years later, 43 states at present reimburse for peer support services [8, 9] and have adult peer support certification to meet Medicaid standards for qualifications and training. Hence, these peers are often referred to as certified peer specialists. Requirements range in eligibility criteria (e.grand., some states require a loftier schoolhouse diploma, training topics and hours, required number of hours of services provision, and grooming in peer support models to be delivered (eastward.g., Intentional Peer Support, Recovery International model) [7]. Australia, New Zealand, Britain, and many European nations have followed suit in employing peers equally service providers [39].

Unremarkably, certified peer back up specialists piece of work in conjunction with traditional psychiatric care [40] and increasingly are integrated inside medical and psychiatric treatment settings [41]. Guidelines require training for peer support specialists in guild to deliver services and to be supervised past a qualified mental wellness professional, which tin be a peer or non-peer [37]. In 2015, the Substance Abuse for Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) defined peer support competencies (2015) and delineated core competencies based on the principles of recovery-oriented and person-centered care, being voluntary, relationship-focused and trauma-informed. Later on enhancements build on these competencies and include ones for digital peer support [42].

New endorsements or peer support specializations that build on state peer support training and certifications include training on older adult peer support [43], digital peer back up [44], and forensic peer support [45]. Professional development may include grooming in specific interventions, some empirically-supported, such as Whole Health Action Management to ameliorate health for high incidence chronic medical conditions [46], Wellness Recovery Action Planning [xi], trauma-informed peer support for people living with HIV [47], and peer support for mothers with mental wellness challenges [48].

Furthermore, mental health peer support employees are currently being integrated within general healthcare [41], such as primary care clinics [49] and behavioral health homes [41]. The likely precipitant for this integration may be due to people with serious mental disease dying up to 32 years earlier than the general population [50], nearly notably from co-morbid mental health and physical health weather [17], and the needed interaction for treating both mental health and physical health weather condition in addressing these co-morbidities [51]. Farther, is the increasing show of peer support successfully augmenting general healthcare between encounters and impacting chronic affliction self-management skill development and promoting positive medical outcomes [15, 19, xx, 52].

In emerging cases in low and eye-income countries, peers are delivering mental health intendance. For example, peer support in Uganda began in 2011 and peers offer peer support services in exchange for food or transportation [53]. These services may include i-on-one peer support or delivery of prescriptions to service users' homes. In Republic of india, peer back up specialists (or "peer support volunteers") offer peer back up via domicile visitation, which is a authorities-sponsored service established in 2015 [53]. Increasingly due to the COVID-nineteen crunch, these services are now offered over the telephone or through smartphone apps such as "What'southward App" [53].

The first digital peer support program in the scientific literature dates to 2005 in the United States with a web-based program that provided online group therapy and education to dyads (i.e., a person with a lived experience of schizophrenia and a back up person). Each dyad had a web-based bulletin board to informally support one another [54]. Since 2005, at that place have been advancements in digital peer support including smartphone apps, spider web-based platforms, and social media tools [3]. Before long later on 2005, Asia, Europe, and Australia developed digital peer support programs financed through grant-funded positions or commercial health insurers [3]. Many peers in the United States own or have a smartphone provided to them by their employer for business use [16]. The COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent National Emergency Declaration [55] allowed for many states with Medicaid reimbursable peer back up services to offer Medicaid reimbursable digital peer support through telehealth. Globally the United Kingdom'southward response to COVID resulted in a National Emergency Declaration in Europe [56], followed by the National Emergency Declaration in Canada, both of which allowed for many provinces and territories to offer reimbursable digital peer support services issued under national safe and privacy laws [57].

As is evident, peer support delivered equally employees has greatly expanded in the United States and internationally since the publication of the original article. As noted previously, the pervasiveness of consumerism, increasing distrust of professionals and the growing value placed on lived experience to enhancing access to health care has resulted in the rise of like positions in the medical care system, specifically Community Health Workers (CHW). Nonetheless, it is of import to annotation that they are not peer support employees as CHWs lack self-identification every bit having a lived feel of a mental health claiming [58]. As divers in the Affordable Care Act, a customs wellness worker (CHW) is an individual based in the community who promotes health or nutrition through liaison activities between health care agencies and the community, provides social assistance and guidance to customs residents, enhances communication between residents and health care providers, offers wellness and nutritional education that is culturally and linguistically advisable, supports referrals and follow-up services, and proactively identifies and advocates for the enrollment of eligible individuals in covered health service programs [59]. Although CHW share similar positive benefits and outcomes as peer supporters; there are important distinctions between the two positions. A CHW is an individual with lilliputian to no formal clinical training, but are members of the customs in which they work with medical patients who share similar ethnic and racial characteristics by providing support for medical-related issues such equally long-term medication management, rides to and from appointments [8]. Different terms are used to describe CHWs, including patient navigators, peer whole health charabanc/health coach, and promotors. Unlike peers, they do not have a mental health challenge or for that matter do not share the mutual lived experience of a medical challenge, merely rather share cultural and customs characteristics.

Advancements in the Underlying Psychosocial Processes of Peer Back up

In the original commodity, peer support was explained by a variety of psychosocial processes/theoretical foundations delineated by Salzer and Shear [10] that underlie peer-delivered services, which included social support [threescore], experiential knowledge [61], helper-therapy principle [62], social learning theory [63], and social comparison theory [64]. While these continue to be relevant, Fortuna et al. [65] expands on this theoretical footing by the addition of self -determination theory [66]. Self-decision theory proposes that when psychological needs for autonomy/control, cocky-sufficiency, competence, and connection to others are met, then individuals strive for continuing psychological development in terms of well-being and recovery [66]. Every bit the consumer movement has highlighted the importance of pick in treatment and relationship to others similar themselves, this naturally extends to the service approach of the peer support workforce. Peers regard autonomy every bit a key objective in their work with people with a lived experience of a mental health claiming and collaboratively assist in fulfilling their self-adamant goals [65].

In addition, empowerment theory delineates strategies from which peers piece of work with other peers. Empowerment is a process by which people are involved in meaningful sharing of power, which is consistent with shared controlling regarding life issues as well every bit treatment planning [67]. As Deegan [67] eloquently noted it is a belief in that all people are capable of acting, and after, changing their situation. Peers help other peers to enhance their power so they are able to obtain essential resources, and attain control over their life to successfully accomplish their own personal goals. They offer strategies for and information nigh accessing needed resources, therefore helping to critically heighten awareness and appraisal of their environment enabling them to more effectively participate in decisions relevant to their own well- beingness [68].

Benefits Derived from Peer Support Services

Benefits/Value of Peer Support/Peer Provided Services to Individuals Receiving Them

In the original publication, Solomon summarized the effect inquiry at the time, but the service was in its infancy, and consequently, rigorous empirical research was limited. Since the original publication in 2004, at that place has been a number of systematic reviews of peer provided services (e.grand., [2, 69,lxx,71,72,73], and specialized ones on digital peer support [3],on one-to-1 peer support [four] and another on low-and middle income countries [74]. Reviewers have had unlike criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and studies have been diversified with regard to designs (i.e. experimental, quasi- experimental, etc.) and in outcomes and measures. Reviews with more than rigorous designs employing meta-analyses take found less impact [75]. All have found some positive effects, but most reviews have noted pocket-size to moderate effects. A consistent challenge has been the lack of methodological rigor in studies (i.e., lack of randomized designs) [2, 3], which has precluded reviews from establishing peer back up services every bit achieving an evidence-based exercise condition.

The positive outcomes identified in the prior commodity are retained in this article. Yet, the best approach to delineating the benefits for purposes of this update is to identify the outcomes indicated in the SAMHSA pamphlet entitled [76] based on the research, which was included within many of the recent systematic reviews. The issuance produced a list of the value of peer support or from peer support specialists service provision. Due to the lack of consistent methodological rigor, we highlight these outcomes as promising to the field. These outcomes included increased self-esteem and efficacy, sense of command, empowerment, promise, belief in bringing virtually change in their lives, sense of belonging, social back up, engagement in self- direction, services, handling and customs; and improved social functioning, quality of life and life satisfaction. Further, peer support also resulted in decreases in hospitalizations, cocky-stigma, psychotic symptoms, depression, substance use and fewer feelings of social isolation. Almost relevant enquiry usually determined some positive results, although they may not take found support for all outcomes hypothesized. Conspicuously, not all who engage in peer support services volition receive all of these benefits, each has a chance for some benefit from receipt of peer support services, although there was a lack of consistency across study outcomes.

Benefits to Peer Employees

Benefits to peer employees take remained unchanged from those specified in the original article. Solomon [i] identified a reduction in hospitalization, enhanced personal growth, which included "increased conviction in their own capabilities, ability to cope with the illness, self-esteem, and sense of empowerment and promise" (p. 396). Further, existence a peer employee helps to claiming self-stigma, to appoint in one's own recovery and self-discovery, to heighten their social back up network, find positive ways to spend their time, and gainful employment therefore, achieving a better quality of life. Moreover, they are offered opportunities for professional growth in terms of learning positive work habits and job skills, as well as having the potential for developing and achieving career goals. While these benefits have remained unchanged from those designated in the original publication, they have been greatly enhanced given the all-encompassing expansion of this workforce.

Benefits to the Mental Health Service Commitment Organisation

A primary do good noted in the prior article was the potential price saving to the mental health service delivery system [i]. These savings are likely accrued through fewer hospitalizations or days of hospitalization, which are by far the about costly handling. Potentially, reduced financial costs to systems tin can emanate from participating in self-help and peer run programs and receipt of peer employee service provision—non the traditional mental wellness system. Furthermore, the teaching of medical, psychiatric, and social wellness self-management may impact inappropriate service employ from the system. However, every bit was cautioned in the original article, these savings should not event from paying peer employees less for having the same task tasks and responsibilities equally non-peers.

Another positive result to the system is the modification of detrimental attitudes of non-peer employees past their having straight contact with individuals with mental health challenges who are successfully operation in positive social roles rather than at their worst when in need of services. These attitude changes help to combat societal stigma of persons with mental wellness conditions.

Peer support services are perchance more than likely to be used past those who eschew the traditional mental health services, such every bit those who are homeless, who have had negative interactions with the arrangement, or for other reasons feel alienated from and mistrustful of professional services. Peer supporters help to engage or re-engage these individuals into the professional person treatment system, are more inclined to practise outreach to those in need and to brand referrals to self-aid groups. The addition of peers to existing mental health services enhances the value and benefits of these services [i].

Benefits to Society

The employment of peers to complement traditional mental health services in areas where the services and professionals are express such as rural areas, low income communities and countries with scarce resources is clearly an added value. This societal need is a benefit that has greatly expanded in recent years in serving under resourced and underserved areas nationally and internationally, every bit indicated previously by engaging in task-shifting activities.

Peers as employees offer positive role models of people with mental health atmospheric condition. This then helps to alleviate societal stigma and bigotry against individuals with mental wellness issues and seeing them in a more positive light. Further, they are able to contribute to gild by beingness productive citizens and paying taxes and therefore reduce government expenditures and resources.

Disquisitional Ingredients of Peer Support Services

At the fourth dimension of the writing of original publication, at that place were no standards for peer employees, consequently the critical ingredients were determined by Solomon based on the limited bachelor inquiry. These ingredients were delineated into three categories: service elements, characteristics of peer providers, and characteristics of mental wellness service delivery system, which were supported by the available evidence at the time. Although these elements remain relevant, there are now guidance and standards for peer employees that are up to appointment in their conceptualization and more appropriate equally standards. SAMHSA issued competences for peer workers in behavioral health services in 2015 and in 2016 Chinman et al. engaged in preliminary efforts for the evolution of a allegiance measure for peers. These will both be discussed below. Information technology is too important to note that the proliferation of peers and their expansion in the past two decades such that now even accrediting bodies such equally the Committee on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) has adult standards to include peer support specialists in the workforce [77]. For example, human resource policies and practices within an system need to promote integration of the peer workforce in the following areas, including responsive hiring practices, acceptance of lived experience expertise in place of formal credentials, and job structures offering opportunities for advancement.

Core Competencies for Peers in Behavioral Health Services

Core competencies were developed with the input of a diverseness of experts in the content area. Cadre competencies are the ability to carry out a specific role or function. The competencies are described as the integration of the three dimensions of knowledge skills and attitudes that are necessary prerequisites to performing a designated function or task. Cadre competencies offer guidance for training, certification and task descriptions [78]. Based on SAMHSA efforts five foundational principles of the core competencies for peer workers were identified: recovery oriented, person-centered, voluntary, human relationship focused and trauma informed. These essential competencies were delineated into fourteen categories (see Table 1 with list of categories).

Table one Core Competencies for Peers

Full size tabular array

The document acknowledges that these are foundational competencies that crave continual updating and may necessitate specialized competencies for specific populations such every bit homeless or particular contexts such equally correctional institutions.

Intervention Fidelity

Without a fidelity to the critical components of peer back up, the quality of peer back up or its touch on can be examined. To date, it is not known, which peer support models produce which outcomes. A recent narrative review constitute none of the scientific evidence on peer support considers which model of peer back up is existence employed. Chinman et al. [75] developed a nineteen service particular fidelity measure out (see Table ii for listing of service activities).

Tabular array 2 Peers Service Activity Domains

Full size tabular array

These investigators found that their concluding set of service domains matched well with a job delineation report of peer workers, which provides farther support at defining the activities engaged in by peer workers. Nonetheless they practice indicate that the results are preliminary and crave further research. Also, there may be other activities engaged in past working with a specialized population or in a particular service surround such as correctional facilities. Future psychometric testing tin can examine the utility of this tool to mensurate fidelity.


Since 2004, advancements in peer support range from the development of new specializations (i.e., older developed, forensic, digital) to training, certification, state-wide reimbursement, competencies, and a allegiance assessment. Peer support is a service now provided beyond the globe and considered an essential service [5]. As peer support continues to evolve, it is emerging as a standard of recovery in multiple settings and empirical evidence demonstrates touch on on recovery and clinical outcomes.


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Research was supported in part by National Institutes of Mental Health Award K01MH117496 to the commencement author.

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Fortuna, K.L., Solomon, P. & Rivera, J. An Update of Peer Back up/Peer Provided Services Underlying Processes, Benefits, and Disquisitional Ingredients. Psychiatr Q (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11126-022-09971-w

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  • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11126-022-09971-w


  • Peer support
  • Mental health
  • Lay interventionist


Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11126-022-09971-w

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