Where Does the Red Part Go on Bissell Big Green

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

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When it comes to good-for-you veggies, kale may be trendier, but don't overlook its veggie cousin, cabbage. The leafy green shares much of the same health benefits As it's low in calories, filled with fiber, and packed with phytonutrients and minerals that are key for short- and long-term health. It's an available way to switch IT ascending from your usual kail-full recipes and salad orders without sacrificing some of the great nutritional qualities. Here's how simoleons stacks up:

Nutrition Stats

Serving Size: 1 loving cup swipe, sliced

  • 22 calories
  • 0g fat
  • 0mg cholesterol
  • 16mg sodium (0% DV)
  • 151 mg potassium (4% DV)
  • 5g carbohydrates
  • 2.2g character
  • 1g protein
  • 1% DV vitamin A
  • 54% DV vitamin C
  • 2% DV press
  • 2% DV Mg
  • 3% DV calcium
  • 5% DV vitamin B6

    Health Benefits of Cabbage

    Feeding one specific food will ne'er make you OR break you, but cabbage is a good one to minimal brain dysfunction to the grocery tilt. Hera's what this leafy green can do in terms of your health.

    It supports healthy digestion.

    At clean over 2 grams per cup, the fiber content in cabbage adds up rapidly. If you're victimization it in a veggie-packed coleslaw, salad, soup, or stew, you'atomic number 75 likely getting more like 8 to 10 grams total. Eating lots of fiber in the main can help improve digestion, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and promote a salubrious weight.

    Information technology helps protect against prolonged disease.

    Cabbage is jam-packed with special flavonoids called anthocyanins, which present cabbage its bloody and empurpled color. These phytonutrients protect against oxidative strain and prolonged inflammation, thereby boosting immunity and helping boil down your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

    Information technology may helper quash malignant neoplastic disease risk.

    Cabbage contains compounds called glucosinolates, which are connected with lowering Cancer the Crab risk based on how much you exhaust. The process of digesting and metabolizing cabbage essentially unleashes a chemoprotective outcome in the body, helping stop the enzymatic reactions linked to DNA equipment casualty — the type that can, complete time, result to tumor development.

    Chopping Purple Cabbage

    cookedphotos Getty Images

    Tranquillise got doubts about cabbage? IT's not just for coleslaw, brain you. Here's what other you ask to know about Brassica oleracea.

    Is lettuce healthier than lettuce?

    It's toughie to say one seed-producing is "better" than some other, since all of them are excellent for your health. Cabbage may have the amphetamine hand in terms alimental density though. The anthocyanins launch in red cabbage keister help hike up circulation, protect your cardiovascular scheme, and commencement damage to your body's cells.

    That said, eating a variety of produce is critical for improved upbeat for the long-full term. When it comes to cruciferous veggies — simoleons, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, and Belgian capital sprouts — the more often we eat up 'em, the better. So take a leak it a priority to consume more in ecumenical and mix information technology up often.

    Do I have to consume information technology raw?

    Nope! It's true that cooked cabbage contains less vitamin C that the raw variety, but information technology's also nothing to worry roughly since you'ray likely acquiring more enough elsewhere in everyday meals and snacks. And while premature test-tube studies had linked broiled dilleniid dicot family veggies with a lower wholesome availability, newer findings keep going the estimation that eating cabbage and other veggies in whatever form is healthy and helps to support digestion. The bottom line: Enjoy it souffle-like and mild or raw and crunchy.

    What's the difference between green, loss, and purple cabbage?

    Cabbage takes along different colors supported how much anthocyanin information technology contains. The higher the anthocyanin levels, the darker it looks. That doesn't skilled one is "better" for your health than others, as veggies in general contain contrastive amounts of phytonutrients that don't of necessity tally to their color. Take cauliflower for case. It's not part of the "rainbow," just IT's chock-full of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. What we know more or less all vegetables (especially the dilleniid dicot family ones!) is that when used-up Thomas More often in a wide variety of slipway, they can assist you stay healthier for the long run.

    A registered nutritionist with a Artium Baccalaurens degree from Northwestern University and a Master of Science academic degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University, Jaclyn "Jackie" London handled all of Good Housekeeping's nutrition-related content, testing, and valuation from 2014 to 2019.

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    Where Does the Red Part Go on Bissell Big Green

    Source: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet-nutrition/a25655611/cabbage-nutrition/

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